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Our School





We believe God created each child unique.

Our programme offers:

bulletSocial Skills
bulletSpiritual Values
bulletArts & Crafts
bulletPhysical Development

Our School

Bloor West Nursery School is a non-profit, fully licensed nursery school which has operated out of Runnymede United Church since 1982. We offer a five morning programme from September to June for children aged three by December 31 (in their pre Junior Kindergarten year).

The governing Board of BWNS is drawn from our Toronto neighbourhood, with years of personal experience with children, schools and life, and a commitment to childhood education.

We have two dedicated teachers, a fine facility and a proven and successful programme. We invite you to contact us, arrange a class visit and talk to prior parents. Join us this year!

Our Beliefs

bulletWe offer children a gentle transition from home to school
bulletWe focus on physical, cognitive, social, spiritual and emotional growth.
bulletWe emphasize values of mutual respect and cooperation in a caring atmosphere.
bulletWe are not a co-op programme, so you can have mornings to yourself.
bulletWe include Christian songs, music and stories in our programme.
bulletWe use a theme centred programme to give variety and depth to the school.
bulletWe believe your child is unique, and that our programme will give him or her a good start in school.

Our Programme

BWNS uses seasonal, holiday and topical themes to capture the imagination of the children. Within each theme, there are new books and new arts and crafts. The children can do sand and water play, enjoy numerous toys and experience a variety of art materials. There is colouring, painting, playdough, cut and paste and fun with foods and puppets. You can look forward to your children bringing home their work with pride.

BWNS has access to an indoor gymnasium for free play, cooperative games and fun for all. The teachers provide an opportunity for the children to ride tricycles and other equipment and even jump on a trampoline.

BWNS has a music programme as part of the school. In each of our themes the children learn new songs at carpet time. Soon you will know the words too ...



Send mail to brian@traq.ca with questions or comments about this web site.